PPC Best Practices: Your Guide to Strategies that Actually Convert

Improving your PPC campaigns is an awesome way to drive more traffic to your intended destination and close more customers. But before we continue, there’s something you should know: The […]

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Pricing Landing Page – How to Optimize it?

Is your pricing page optimized for conversions? Believe it or not, the pricing page is often neglected by marketers as it’s seen as the next logical step for consumers who have already made up their […]

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Google Keyword Planner: How to Use this Powerful Tool to Transform Your Keyword Research

Keyword research may not be the most fun part of your digital marketing strategy, but it plays an important role in your SEO content marketing efforts, and it’s also invaluable to your PPC strategy. […]

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Why Creating Optimized Landing Pages is Vital for Conversions

Most consumers can become distracted easily, which often means they need to be guided through the conversion process. If you aren’t using landing pages with targeted content to lead visitors to the […]

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SaaS Buyer Journey 101: How to Map Content to Different Lifecycle Stages

The buyer’s journey is the process that buyers go through as they recognize a need, learn about solutions, evaluate these solutions, and finally, make a purchase. This is a vital process for […]

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How to Optimize Your Facebook Ad Targeting

One of the greatest advantages of advertising on Facebook is that this powerful social media platform offers sophisticated targeting options that allow you to reach your ideal buyers online.

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10 Great Holiday Email Marketing Examples to Get Inspired From

Now that Halloween has passed, most retailers and e-commerce brands are already starting to gear up for the holiday season, which means figuring out what types of email marketing messages they will […]

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How to Take Your PPC Keyword Research to the Next Level

While many marketers seek to refine keyword lists for their PPC campaigns, the truth is that expanding this PPC keyword list can be just as impactful to your PPC marketing strategy. Not only should […]

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7 Ways to Elevate Your Holiday Marketing

As Halloween approaches, many consumers are already gearing up for the holiday shopping season.

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Ecommerce Marketing Agency Tips to Convert Abandoned Carts

Whether you’ve just opened your ecommerce business or your company has been in business for years, there’s a good chance that abandoned shopping carts are not a new topic for you. One study shows […]

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