How To Make Your Google Ads Stand Out From the Competition

When it comes to running an effective Google AdWords campaign, it’s all about knowing which keywords to target and which times of day are the most optimal for your target customers’ intents. But […]

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Scale Your Facebook Paid Ads Campaign By Finding New Audiences

Running a Facebook paid ads campaign has an incredibly different dynamic than running an AdWords campaign. The chief differentiating factor is that success with AdWords relies on the users’ needs and […]

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7 Ad Copy Hacks for Highest Conversion in AdWords

While there are many elements involved in a successful Google AdWords campaign, your ad content plays a significant role in influencing consumers to click and continue on to purchase.

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Google AdWords Competitor Targeting Campaign: What You Need to Know

It’s safe to say that your competitors are attracting prospects through their Google ads that would also be a good fit for your business. So why not target your competitor’s brand terms with your own

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6 Facebook Paid Ads Mistakes That You Should Not Make

Facebook ads may be PPC like AdWords, but have a slightly different dynamic. A common mistake that many marketers make is applying the same strategies to Facebook campaigns that were successful in […]

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12 Facebook Features You Need to Use Today

With more than 2.25 billion monthly users, Facebook is still the place to be when it comes to social media marketing.

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How to Improve Quality Score in Google AdWords – Ultimate 8 Step Guide

If you manage pay-per-click search campaigns in Google AdWords, you know that it can sometimes be a tough nut to crack. Especially when it comes to the mysterious quality score.

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Ecommerce Customer Experience – 6 Ways to Build Trust Across the Customer Journey

The customer journey is no longer as linear as it once seemed. People interact with your brand at all steps of the journey and are also more hesitant than ever to immediately put their trust in your […]

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Better Than The Ultimate Retargeting Ads Guide

You’ve probably heard about retargeting and how it helps you reach back out to customers who have left your site without making a purchase. But you may be wondering, what is retargeting? And how can […]

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Holiday Email Campaigns: 5 Ideas That You Could Use This Holiday Season

Do you already have your holiday marketing strategies in place for this year? If not, you better get a move on because online spending predictions are the highest they’ve ever been, with Black Friday […]

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