7 Strategies To Rock Your Business Blog

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When it comes to generating traffic and growing your audience, building a business blog can be one of the most effective and lowest cost methods of putting your content to work. In fact, companies with active blogs have over 430% more indexed pages in search results than those who don’t. Get in the game and boost your online presence quickly with these seven tried-and-true business blogging strategies, guaranteed to make your blog legendary.

7 Business Blogging Strategies for a Legendary Blog

1. Strategize Posts Based On Overall Goals

Your blog posts should always fit your larger marketing plan. As marketing expert Ann Handley (@marketingprofs) advises: “Good content always has an objective; it’s created with intent. It therefore carries triggers to action.” (Source: Kissmetrics)

If you know why you are writing posts—whether hoping to drive traffic, raise brand awareness, or discuss industry news – each post will be more focused and will ultimately be more successful. When you’re writing posts it’s important also to pay attention on how you link your words through the post. Linkio is a tool that helps you pick the right anchor text to use during your link building efforts and also for a right linking throughout the article.

2. Produce Helpful Content

Your business blogging strategies should focus on creating content that is informative. Consumers look to blogs as one of the top five most trusted resources when it comes to online information, so make sure your content is accessible, useful, and updated regularly.

3. Effective Business Blogging Strategies Have Consistent Posting Activity

When it comes time to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, those businesses that consistently update their blogs are 13 times more likely than others to see positive ROIs. Plus, the more content you have, the greater the chance that other blogs will link back to you – companies with blogs generate 97% more links back to their website.

4. Get Your Posts Seen

Promoting your blog to the right audience increases your authority. The number of bloggers using paid ads to promote their posts has increased over 93% in 2015, so if you have the budget, don’t miss out to the competition.

However, a benefit of blogging is that it can be as inexpensive as you want. Your blog posts will be crucial to boosting SEO, and will significantly increase the chance that you are found in organic searches. In fact, in the days where 70-80% of online users are ignoring paid ads and skipping directly to organic results, the more pages you have indexed, the more traffic you can drive without investing in paid ads. Don’t forget about building contact lists and social network followers, both of whom are excellent audiences to target for your posts.

5. Create Longer Articles

It used to be that greater quantities of shorter posts could boost your search ranking, but now Google focuses on longer content. The highest ranking posts in Google searches for 2015 averaged 1,140-1,285 words, and that number is expected to be closer to 1,600 words for 2016.

6. Include Images

Posts should always have relevant images—those with visuals get 94% more views than articles without. In fact, with more users viewing content on mobile devices, visual assets are surging in popularity—nearly 71% of marketers include visual components as part of their overall content strategy.

7. Develop Posts With Multiple Authors

The more authors you have on your blog, the more credible you are to readers. Almost 63% of people perceive blogs with multiple authors as more trustworthy than those without. If you don’t have a large enough team, use guest bloggers for more diverse authorship and as a way to secure backlinks from significant sites.

Author Bio

Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar is VP of SevenAtoms, a Google and HubSpot certified agency in San Francisco. Andy develops and manages ROI-positive inbound and paid marketing campaigns for B2B & Tech companies. Connect with Andy on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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