Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar is VP of SevenAtoms, a Google and HubSpot certified agency in San Francisco. Andy develops and manages ROI-positive inbound and paid marketing campaigns for B2B & Tech companies. Connect with Andy on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Andy Beohar

AdWords Management Guide for Advanced Users

There’s a great deal of competition to get your business noticed on search engines.

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Facebook Retargeting: How to Setup Retargeting Audiences [Complete Guide]

Consumers rarely buy from a company the first time they visit a site or see an offer. Most buyers want to take their time to compare prices, read reviews, and visit a site a few more times before […]

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Marketing Qualified Leads for SaaS – How to Increase Them

Most SaaS companies have experienced the growing pains involved in trying to align their marketing and sales teams. Marketing may feel like sales is not doing a good job of following up with leads, […]

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How to Set Up Abandoned Cart Workflows in HubSpot

When you have an ecommerce store, a good amount of cart abandonment is an inevitable. But instead of counting these occurrences as lost opportunities and allowing would-be sales to slip through your […]

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Best Facebook Ad Targeting Features [Infographic]

One of the reasons our PPC management agency loves advertising with Facebook is their ultra-sophisticated targeting features. You can choose from hundreds of different interests, behaviors, and […]

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10 Tips for Effective Content Marketing

Marketing strategists try all the tricks in the book to boost their product or service and rise above competitors. Content marketing is an effective tactic that can pay rich dividends. The path to […]

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Google AdWords Agency Hacks for Scaling Your AdWords Account

Once you have your Google AdWords account up and running, your work doesn’t stop there. Now, it’s time to scale your strategy so that you can generate the most leads and sales from your ads. Below, […]

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How to Develop Content Marketing Metrics & KPIs

No matter how large or small your marketing budget is, if you want to optimize marketing spend, it’s vital that you measure your content marketing performance. Measurement allows you to see what’s […]

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How to Market Your Business on Facebook

Most business owners are well aware of the ability to advertise on Facebook, but not all of them realize the potential power that this opportunity holds. With billions of active users every month, […]

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7 Reasons to Hire an Ecommerce Marketing Agency

If you own or manage an ecommerce company, you’re probably aware that the competition is pretty fierce, which is why strategic and aggressive marketing is crucial to stay afloat. Unfortunately, most […]

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