Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar is VP of SevenAtoms, a Google and HubSpot certified agency in San Francisco. Andy develops and manages ROI-positive inbound and paid marketing campaigns for B2B & Tech companies. Connect with Andy on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Andy Beohar

Why You Need a San Francisco SEO Company

The Bay Area is one of the most technologically progressive areas in the country. As a result, it is also one of the most competitive when it comes to local SEO. Since so many Bay Area businesses […]

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How a Corporate Blog Is an Essential Part of Your Website

We frequently get calls from people saying that they have heard how a corporate blog can help with online marketing, but that they don’t really know how. The conversation typically starts with them […]

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How to Write a Blog Post That Actually Gets Seen

Scouring the internet for tips on boosting SEO will give you a thousand different pages, all of which are very general and don’t really offer much in the way of real, actionable advice. For example, […]

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Benefits of Hiring a Business Blogger

It is pretty common for business owners, marketers, and decision makers within a company to want to have a blog to help promote their brand. The problem that we find on an all too regular basis is […]

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Why Blogging for Business is More Important Than Ever

While blogging has been on the rise for the better part of the last decade, some have begun to question its importance these days as social media and social bookmarking have gained prominence. Sites […]

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The Importance of Having Original Content For Blogs

The majority of searches done today are through Google and therefore blog content has to be written with this search engine in mind. One of the things that Google is on the lookout for, especially […]

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Growing Importance of Corporate Blogging to Build Your Brand Online

When people talk about blogging they tend to fixate on the search engine optimization benefits, which are certainly important. One of the lesser known benefits to having a blog is how it can be used […]

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Small Business Blogging: What You are Losing by Not Doing it

One of the greatest things that small businesses neglect when they start out is developing a marketing strategy. With all the effort it takes just to get the business running, the details about […]

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Blog Writers and How They Can Make Your Blog Content More Attractive

Here is a hard truth: not everyone can write well. Like any other skill, there are those that are simply stronger in this area than others. This makes things bit difficult if you are running your own […]

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Improving Your Blog Content: How to Make Searchable and Shareable Titles

As more information becomes accessible to the public at large, the need for web searchers to be able to quickly scan the internet and find what they are looking for increases. When it comes to blogs, […]

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